Both MBPJ and Selangor chief minister Amirudin Shari have taken to social media to spread awareness of this case to the public and to ask for their cooperation. Those who have visited the Taman Megah SS24 market on those specified dates are required to fill in the questionnaire with their personal information, IC number, including their full name, address, and phone number.

Individuals who are potentially at risk will be contacted by the District Health Officer to undergo a health examination and sampling at the nearest health clinic. You may find the link to the questionnaire below, or scan the QR in the image below. On another note, Taman Megah SS24 market traders underwent the health screening test on 28 April, according to Selangor Kini. The test was conducted at the Petaling District Health Office in SS6, Petaling Jaya. MBPJ COVID-19 Questionnaire (Source: MBPJ / Amirudin Shari / Selangor Kini | Images: MBPJ)

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