“During the set, viewers will be able to interact with the DJs via the live stream chat, as well as utilize Bigo Live’s functions such as sending virtual gifts with Razer Gold or Razer Silver,” stated Razer in their media release. “A portion of any proceeds accumulated will be donated to the Singapore government to support the fight against COVID-19.”
Follow us on BIGO LIVE now: https://t.co/D1qqQZc4F2 pic.twitter.com/PwTlZ8s1oA — R Λ Z Ξ R (@Razer) March 25, 2020 “Through Razer and Bigo Live, we are moving the Zouk experience online, so that viewers from around the region or globally will still be able engage with the community right from their bedrooms,” said Zouk CEO Andrew Li. “With many countries on lockdown, we hope to be able to reach out to people through music, technology and social interaction on the virtual sphere.” Those tuning in will also have a chance to partake in hourly giveaways to win a Razer Kraken headset and Bonus Razer Gold. Additionally, a Razer Hammerhead True Wireless will be awarded to the top contributor of the live stream.
Razer and Zouk will host the cloud clubbing experience on 27 March 2020 from 8pm on Bigo Live (BIGO ID: Razer). The companies also mentioned that additional online clubbing events will be announced in the near future. And no, this isn’t an early April Fool’s joke. More information regarding the experience can be found in the link provided below. (Source: Razer)