According to Bloomberg, the shelf price of a PS5 unit could go up to US$470 (~RM1947). Its manufacturing cost, on the other hand is estimated at US$450 (~RM1864). This will allow it to keep the same profit margin as the PS4, which was sold at US$399 but costed US$381 to manufacture. One behind the high price is the inability for the company to ensure a reliable supply of DRAM and NAND flash memory. Which makes sense, especially if Sony really intends to put a 2TB SSD into the PS5. Such an SSD today is priced similarly to the PS5 itself if you were to buy one.
The cooling system of the PS5 is also said to be unusually expensive, driving the price up further. Ultimately, whether or not the price of the PlayStation 5 is justified depends on what it can deliver. The next generation console is said to be able to deliver blazing fast loading times thanks to the SSD, 8K resolution and ray-tracing. (Source: Bloomberg)