In an interview with io9, It director Andy Muschietti discusses the possibility of exploring the mythology of Pennywise in another film.
And it looks like Bill Skarsgard, who excellently portrays the psychotic mythical clown in both movies, is also very interested in an It prequel, though he admits that it needs to be handled properly. In an interview with EW, he said: While I think the idea sounds intriguing, I’m not convinced that we actually need a prequel. For all its fancy visual effects and epic runtime, IT: Chapter Two was frankly a huge letdown. It also didn’t offer me enough to want this franchise to continue. Having said that, my thoughts may change depending on who’s working on the project. A different scriptwriter would certainly be a step in the right direction. IT: Chapter Two is currently playing in Malaysian cinemas. Click here to check out my IT: Chapter Two review.