In general, the minister’s remark was not far different from the statement made by the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) yesterday. Similar to our previous report, Minister Hamzah confirmed that a discussion has been held between JPN, LHDN, and National Cyber Coordination and Command Centre (NC4) in regards to myIDENTITY’s operations and data security. He also insists that the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) will always ensure the safety and integrity of the data that are under the custody of JPN. The minister further added that KDN will also make sure that all government agencies that utilise myIDENTITY implement a high level of security and always follow the platform’s usage policy to avoid data leaks. Despite the statement by the minister, we doubt that this will be the end of the story though. According to our observation, not only is the database still up for sale at the marketplace forum but the seller also claims to have additional data that belonged to Malaysians with the birth year of 1976 and older. So, it seems rather possible that the full database could be much larger than what the seller originally listed. However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves though especially given that PDRM has officially begun its investigation on this matter. (Source: Hamzah Zainudin / Facebook.)