The raid itself is called The Tale of Iyo, which continues the story of Ghost of Tsushima: Legends. Set to be the climax of this particular story, it will itself be divided into three chapters. Naturally, it will be incredibly difficult, and matchmaking will be disabled for this mode. So you’ll need your own team of four players pre-arranged, as well as characters with nearly maxed out gear scores.

If you’re already near that point, then the weekly challenges will help get you there faster. For these, the game mode will have new Story and Survival missions with specific weekly modifiers. These challenge missions will be on Nightmare difficulty themselves, but will net you max-level gear to help you fine-tune your build even further. These Ghost of Tsushima: Legends weekly challenges will start every Friday, 11PM local time. The raids themselves will be available starting next week, 30 October. If the base game wasn’t a Game of the Year contender before, it surely is now, with all these new great, and free, content. (Source: Sucker Punch Productions)

Ghost Of Tsushima  Legends Gets Its First Raid On 30 October - 68