In fact, there’s so much more we could’ve explored. How many people who lost their loved ones after the snap committed suicide? How many moved on and remarried? We may never find out. However, one minor plot we almost got was that of Black Widow leading an organization for orphan children. Speaking to Slate’s Podcast The Gist, the Russo brothers had this to say:
I believe at one point really early in development, Black Widow was actually leading the organization in D.C. that was in charge of orphans, basically. That was what she was heading up five years later. But yes, it’s fascinating when you start running it down.” This would’ve added an interesting layer to the character indeed. But one can’t help but wonder what the reaction to Black Widow’s death would’ve been had this plot been introduced. After all, Black Widow’s sacrifice is effective because Hawkeye has a family. However, if Black Widow is a pseudo-mom to hundreds of children, it wouldn’t make sense for her to sacrifice herself to save her best friend Clint Barton. Avengers: Endgame is currently screening in Malaysian theatres. (Source: