But despite its name, it doesn’t change the existing DNS. Instead, for Families consists of two other different sets of DNS, configured slightly differently from one another. One set blocks malware, where the primary DNS is and the secondary being The second set blocks both malware and adult content, with the primary and secondary DNS being and, respectively.
Cloudflare says it will announce additional configuration settings under the for Families umbrella. With the new ones, you’ll get options like setting specific whitelists and blacklists for websites, as well as set times of a day when they are blocked. But for now, the company has not explained the way they work, or when they will be available. But for now, if you have need of what for Families provide, then you could give these new Cloudflare DNS a try. That being said, it remains to be seen what would trigger the malware filtration system, or what exactly will get classified as such. (Source: Cloudflare)