To be precise, Bitfinex put out a call to anyone in the cryptocurrency community that could help in the recovery of nearly 120000 Bitcoins that was stolen from the firm back in 2016. Back then, the exchange says that the hackers involved made 2072 unauthorised transactions, resulting in the loss of 119755 Bitcoins. Back then, the value of the Bitcoins stolen had a value of just US$70 million (~RM294 million). Today, with the value of the Bitcoin currently hovering between RM47000 and RM50000, the total value of all those Bitcoins exceed RM5.7 billion. Therefore, it’s easy to see why Bitfinex is seeking to reclaim those lost coins. To that end, Bitfinex has said that it is willing to offer five percent of the total property recovered to anyone who is able to put them in touch with the hackers. Interestingly enough, the exchange will offer 25% of the total property recovered directly to the hackers, should they so choose to return the stolen amount directly. All in all, the total amount the company is willing to offer as a reward is US$400 million (~RM1.68 billion). (Source: Bitfinex via Techspot)